Thursday, April 25, 2013

Are you ready for this?

Are you ready for this?

I can't keep silent about what our God has done!

I know you will be in AWE of Him!

Glory and Honor and Praise to Him for ever and ever!!

So my heart will sing to you.  I can't keep silent.  Lord, my God, I will give you thanks forever! Psalm 30:12

This journey to bringing home Wyatt and Jubilee is an AMAZING testimony of God's faithful provision. I am totally ignoring the piles of laundry, dirty dishes, the packing, and at least 10,000 little Legos scattered across the boys' floor today because I can't keep silent about what our God has done.  I have to tell you about it!

We have been loved, encouraged, supported and covered in prayer by so many over the past year, and we are SO THANKFUL! So many friends, loved ones and even strangers have offered financial gifts that Wyatt and Jubilee might have the hope and future of a family.  We are humbled beyond belief by the moving of the Holy Spirit on people's hearts and lives.  

We approached the FINAL COUNTDOWN on April 3 and before us stood a financial MOUNTAIN  $25,000 tall.  Today that mountain is nothing but a MOLEHILL!  The details point so greatly to the Father and are a testimony of his great power and love, so I'm going to share them with you so that you, too, might praise HIS NAME!

I've shared with you God's provision before, but it's so exciting I'll share it again.  

On the night of our pancake supper, $1859 was given for Wyatt and Jubilee!  

We are on day 52 of our Give 5 Change a Life Campaign, and $4167 has been given for Wyatt and Jubilee!!  

We were awarded  a $4,000 grant by A Child Waits Foundation a few days ago!!  Yea!  Thank you, thank you, thank you!  Praising God for His provision!!

As Dean and I prayed on Monday and asked what else we should do, God turned our gaze to a vehicle sitting in our driveway and laid on our hearts a plan to list it for sale.  Doubt and worry sprung up in me later in the morning.  What would our son think since he's the one that drives that car?  Would someone buy it in time?  It had no air conditioning, the transmission was acting up and the front end was dented.  Would anyone even want to buy it?  Trusting God, we moved forward and were AMAZED once more with the blessings that came from following His leading. Not only was our Blake positive and supportive of the idea to sell the car that HE drives, but he went with Dean to handle the transaction and clean out the car.  He was excited to see God's hand at work, and my heart sings with joy at the son God has given us.  Four hours later we were blessed with $8,000 of provision for our adoption.  Glory to God!

Are y'all with me?  All of that adds up to $18,026 dollars!!!  And I'm not even finished telling you yet of God's provision for our babies!

Encouraged by the sale of our vehicle, we decided to scour the house (and the backyard) for more things to sell yesterday, and today we have $700 more to add to our adoption fund!  Thank you, God!  

One more story to share:  a very generous anonymous donor has made a contribution to our family account with Lifeline in the amount of $1,000!!!!!!  Thank you!!!  Praise God for his continued provision for Wyatt and Jubilee. 

I know that was a lot to read.  Are you as overwhelmed with God's goodness as I am?  Less than a month ago we stood at the foot of a very tall mountain that was $25,000 high and today we are excited to say that the hill that remains is only $5,274 tall!! Thankful!

For from him and through him and for him are all things.  To him be the glory forever! Amen - Romans 11:36

1 comment:

  1. Oh Praise God!!! that is the most amazing news! So glad for you and your beautiful waiting babies!!! xoxoxox
