Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Final Countdown

We have finally reached the LAST wait in this crazy, beautiful process - the wait for TA....Travel Approval!! 

While our hearts pound and our heads spin at the excitement of our impending travel, we are also very aware of the fact that we cannot travel until we raise the remaining $25,000 needed to pay for orphanage donations, airline and hotel costs and in-country legal expenses.

When God first showed us His plan for another Robinson, we knew we would have to trust Him to provide - to move the financial mountain that stands between us and the children He intends to weave into our family with His mighty hand. 

God has so faithfully provided through each step of this process, allowing us to experience loaves-and-fishes miracles with our bank account, a grant from Jeeah's Hope in partnership with Lifesong for Orphans, and love offerings from both friends and strangers. To date, we have been able to cover nearly $16,000 in adoption expenses.  

We are trusting God to provide the remaining $25,000 needed for Wyatt's and Jubilee's adoptions to be fully funded.

We don't know exactly what this will look like.  We don't know who God will work through or how He will provide, but we know that He will. 

As we've prayed, we've felt the Lord urging us to take a step of faith and share our rid our hearts of worry and anxiety over money that is nothing in the Kingdom of Heaven.

And we will listen to Him.

As the Lord leads, please pray for provision for Wyatt and Jubilee and give to help us bring them home.  We are humbled, honored and so grateful for each and every person playing a part in the gift of a family for two children who will soon be orphans no more!! We can't wait to share with you the next chapter in Wyatt's and Jubilee's journey to a family.

During the next 25 days we'll need to purchase airline tickets and wire money for our orphanage donations and in-country legal fees.

$25,000 in 25 days is a lofty goal! It's a God-sized mountain to move, for sure, but God has shown us that we can expect big things from Him and from His people! 

Will you intentionally pray for Wyatt and Jubilee?

Will you share with those who you think might join us?

Will you give?

To donate directly to our adoption fund, tax-free, please look for the TAX FREE DONATIONS information on the lefthand side of our blog or use the direct link above this paragraph.  100% of what you give will be sent to Lifeline Children's Services and applied to our family's account.  

Many blessings to you and yours!!

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