Monday, April 29, 2013

UPDATE: Last Minute Plea for Wyatt and Jubilee

On Wednesday, Dean and I will board a plane and fly halfway around the world to complete the adoption of our precious little ones.  My heart is so full of excitement and anticipation.  Instead of counting down months and milestones, we're down to counting down days and hours.  Wyatt and Jubilee have only a few more days to spend outside the love and nurture of a family!!!  We are humbled and honored to be a part of God's plan for two precious little ones waiting for a family across the ocean.  

As excited as we are about leaving on Wednesday, we are down to the wire (quite literally - we have to wire the money).  We still need $5274 $4,000 in order to be fully funded.

Every dime of this last little bit is part of Jubilee's $6000 orphanage donation.  The orphanage will use this money to care for the children not chosen for adoption - those that remain behind without a family. 

We've cried out to God.  We've prayed for provision and He has gone before us and made a way for the work that was His idea anyway.  We praise the Almighty and trust His timing, friends.  The uncomfortable feeling we have right now has a purpose and is drawing us closer to our Father.  

The enemy has been whispering in my ear all day today, saying things that aren't even worthy of quote marks or comments. I pray for protection and rebuke the one that comes only to steal and kill and destroy.   We are claiming victory and praising He who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty!

Please pray for us and consider helping us raise the remaining $5274 $4,000 needed to travel on Wednesday.  If you're willing to make a donation on Wyatt and Jubilee's behalf, please leave a comment or send an email to, so that we can let our agency know the funds are coming.

Secure donations (not tax deductible) can be made through our Paypal account HERE. Our Paypal email address for receiving funds is

Tax deductible donations can be made online HERE through Lifesong for Orphans.  Please use our family account #3130.  You can also donate by sending a check (memo section marked with Robinson #3130) to:

Lifesong for Orphans, Inc.
PO Box 40
Gridley, IL 61744

Thank you and God bless you!

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