Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Y'all might not remember this, but back in July when we announced our plans to adopt Sweet Baby Wyatt, I told all six of my readers (two of whom are my husband) about how we were approved to adopt two children from China.  This is important, folks.  I want the record to show that I did warn you of this possibility. We really didn't know if two more Robinsons was God's plan for us at the time, so we waited and prayed and wondered.

2012 was an interesting year for Team Robinson, a time of much reflection and prayer and seeking God's leading for our lives.  If there is a word that would characterize 2012 for us, it would be YES.  God drew us closer to him as we said "yes" to some pretty exciting things and some pretty hard things, too.  We've experienced His blessing in beautiful ways that I struggle to put into complete sentences. His provision....His grace....His mercy....His LOVE!

There were times in 2012 when the possibilities of what might be captivated us with expectation, anticipation, and excitement.  There were times when we experienced disappointment, loss and frustration, too.  More than once we questioned whether we had heard God correctly.  I've even wondered why some things made the pages of His story in our family.  Ultimately, we experienced a year like many before, where we've found blessing in obedience to Him and peace and joy in saying "yes".  Each "yes" from 2012 brought us to this moment where we are right now - prepared to say "yes" in this New Year to more than just ONE more Robinson.

I've been sitting on big news for over 2 weeks, waiting and waiting for the letters P-A!!  They finally arrived late Sunday night.  We are beyond excited to share the news that we've received Provisional Approval from Ch*na to adopt a second child, a precious little girl we're calling            .  Actually, we just call her the baby.  We're still contemplating her name.  Dean has offered up a few suggestions that are completely unacceptable....Fiona is Shrek's wife, right?  And I'm just not diggin' that for a baby name.  He's also contributed the name Josie Wales.  I can assure you, that will NOT be her name.  I'm not sure baby namin' is Daddy-O's gift.  Josie (from Joseph), however, means "God will increase", and that's oh-so fitting for a member of Team Robinson.  I also like Jubilee, but I've not really strayed that far from the mainstream in baby names before.  I don't know.  We're just not sure yet what her name will be.  Name or no name, I'm sure you'd love to see her now, wouldn't you?

She is ADORED already!!!  Since we have already received Wyatt's LOA (that's adoption mama hipster talk for Letter of Approval), we're hoping that our precious little girl's paperwork will make its rounds through the necessary channels very quickly so that we can travel to pick them both up at the same time.  We expect Spring 2013 to be one wild ride, indeed!

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