When I set out to "do" this whole blog thing, I thought it would be a great way to document this crazy little life we've got going here. The problem...other than the obvious lack of free time...is that I'm such a perfectionist that I struggle with finding the words and putting them together into sentences. I write and erase many more sentences than I actually end up keeping. I've actually erased enough sentences tonight to make a person batty. This little problem I have usually leaves me extremely frustrated, and so I quit, which explains the 12 item list of unpublished draft posts that greet me when I log into Blogger. Alas! An ugly cycle has been unleashed where I don't log into Blogger, therefore I don't have to see and cope with such a long list of unpublished thoughts that my 6 followers (2 of whom are my husband) can't wait to read. Anywho...In order to resolve this issue I'm just going to sum up all those blog posts, delete the drafts and MOVE ON! If I had a therapist, she would certainly be using words like "exceptional progress" right now as she hammered out her session notes in the wee hours of the morning. So, here we go....
I got a job. I know I said just a few posts ago that if my resume landed on your desk to worry about me because I had no business having a job...The folks what hired me don't read my blog, though, so I did get a job - and it's working! I'm recruiting and training foster parents, which is awesome. Next to being a wife and mom, my favorite thing to do is to encourage and support others on their journey to care for orphans, so it's perfect for me. Naturally, things got a bit complicated for awhile at home, but my kids tend to roll with the punches, so it's all good.
And we finished out the month with a BANG!! The Army Ranger's graduation ceremony at Fort Benning is explosives rich and right up the Robinson's alley.
May was slap filled with things like finishing up school, Mother's Day, birthday celebrations, graduations, trips, Six Flags and taking care of chickens and ducks. We had more fun than 9 people should have in a month, and I've got about 500 pictures to prove it! I'll spare you all the hundreds of random photo shoots I put my kids through and just show you the cutest little six year old in the whole wide world.
I just knew June was going to be filled with things like cleaning out the schoolroom, organizing closets, play dates at the pool and relaxing. IT WASN'T. I had good intentions, but the school books are right where we left them in May, the closets are just as packed with unnecessary junk, we've not spent much time with friends at all and let's face it; you just can't really relax when there are 7 children in the house. We did manage to fit a whole lot of fun into the first of our summer months. Whew! It's exhausting just trying to remember all that took place in that 30 day span of time. Take a look!
We enjoyed a week-long visit with sweet nephew Parker.

We sent a few kids to camp.
We celebrated Blake's 15th birthday.
Blake got his driver's permit.
We released the ducks onto the pond.
And we finished out the month with a trip to the Antiquities Museum in LaGrange with friends from Northlake. (I'm hoping somebody will forward me the pictures.) Big fun!
Well, folks. That about sums it up. It's been a great 3 months, and as Dean pointed out, we kept 7 children, 10 chickens, 3 ducks, 2 dogs, a turtle and a cat fed, happy, and out of the ER. Praise the Lord. I hope you and yours are happy as crickets. Love to you all!
I got a job. I know I said just a few posts ago that if my resume landed on your desk to worry about me because I had no business having a job...The folks what hired me don't read my blog, though, so I did get a job - and it's working! I'm recruiting and training foster parents, which is awesome. Next to being a wife and mom, my favorite thing to do is to encourage and support others on their journey to care for orphans, so it's perfect for me. Naturally, things got a bit complicated for awhile at home, but my kids tend to roll with the punches, so it's all good.
The new job wasn't the only great thing about April.
We got some chickens and ducks.
We enjoyed a visit with Hollander and Aunt Blake
And we finished out the month with a BANG!! The Army Ranger's graduation ceremony at Fort Benning is explosives rich and right up the Robinson's alley.
May was slap filled with things like finishing up school, Mother's Day, birthday celebrations, graduations, trips, Six Flags and taking care of chickens and ducks. We had more fun than 9 people should have in a month, and I've got about 500 pictures to prove it! I'll spare you all the hundreds of random photo shoots I put my kids through and just show you the cutest little six year old in the whole wide world.
My little Lauren turned six in May!
I just knew June was going to be filled with things like cleaning out the schoolroom, organizing closets, play dates at the pool and relaxing. IT WASN'T. I had good intentions, but the school books are right where we left them in May, the closets are just as packed with unnecessary junk, we've not spent much time with friends at all and let's face it; you just can't really relax when there are 7 children in the house. We did manage to fit a whole lot of fun into the first of our summer months. Whew! It's exhausting just trying to remember all that took place in that 30 day span of time. Take a look!
We enjoyed a week-long visit with sweet nephew Parker.
We sent a few kids to camp.
We celebrated Blake's 15th birthday.
Blake got his driver's permit.
We released the ducks onto the pond.
And we finished out the month with a trip to the Antiquities Museum in LaGrange with friends from Northlake. (I'm hoping somebody will forward me the pictures.) Big fun!
Well, folks. That about sums it up. It's been a great 3 months, and as Dean pointed out, we kept 7 children, 10 chickens, 3 ducks, 2 dogs, a turtle and a cat fed, happy, and out of the ER. Praise the Lord. I hope you and yours are happy as crickets. Love to you all!